How to overcome doubt while achieving your goals — Follow Your Own Rhythm

How to overcome doubt while achieving your goals

By Borbala @ Follow Your Own Rhythm


You have this great idea.  A new project you wanna start or a goal you want to achieve. You’re fired up, excited, full of passion, and feeling confident.
And then a few days go by, and suddenly you don’t feel so hot. Your confidence has turned into fear and doubt and a lack of belief that you can do this.  This insecurity then robs you of your passion, making you feel discouraged, and before you know it, you’ve given up on your goal.
How many times have you experienced this? Given up on a goal because doubt kicked in? It's happened to me many times, and I've noticed a pattern. 

First and foremost, achieving our goals is a PROCESS. Not just physically, but emotionally. The goal achieving process is a highly emotional process.  It has less to do with our actions, and more to do with the mindset and emotions BEHIND those actions.

And that is exactly what I talk about in this video. I take you through the emotional process of starting something new, including the feelings of fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity that creep up, and HOW you can overcome these negative thoughts and feelings so you can keep moving forward. 

By knowing this process, and by becoming aware of the emotional phases you will inevitably go through, I believe it will be much EASIER to overcome doubt and stay motivated to achieve your goals. 

I really hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful!

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Powerful tool to gain confidence, start believing in yourself, and go after your dreams!
