5 quick ways to raise your vibration

By Borbala @ Follow Your Own Rhythm

raise your vibration

We all go through moments in life when we're not being our truest selves. As in, we aren't embodying the highest vibration that we can be. Sometimes they're temporary negative energies we get stuck in, and sometimes they last a longer time.

In either case, low vibrational energies such as anger, guilt, shame, blame, irritability, victimhood, resentment, judgment, loneliness, doubt, hate, depression, and negativity are not energies we want to dwell in for too long as it really throws off the flow of life.

When we are operating out of a low vibration, we experience a lot more problems and resistance in life. Things don't work out, we don't get what we want, we hit roadblocks left and right, we hurt people we care about, and nothing flows.

However, the moment we shift our energy and get into a higher vibration, such as gratitude, love, joy, acceptance, surrender, trust, compassion, understanding, peace, and happiness, suddenly everything changes.

This isn't theory, these are facts, and this happens to me ALL THE TIME. The moment I shift my energy, my external environment almost immediately shifts as well, and things suddenly start to flow. And the same goes for its opposite. When I'm in a bitchy mood or angry at life, I experience so many obstacles.

Chaos creates chaos, peace creates peace.

It's a beautiful thing this whole world of energy, and I think it's the most empowering thing to know that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ENERGY, and with your energy, you can change your reality.

So in today's video, I wanted to share 5 ways that you can quickly raise your vibration when you find yourself in a funk, so that you can take back control of your life and experience more happiness.

I hope that you enjoy and find it helpful! 💗

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  1. Exercise or move your body

  2. Notice signs and synchronicities

  3. Give love to others

  4. Notice something beautiful around you

  5. Talk to the universe

  6. Bonus: Smile and laugh

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