9 signs you've met your soul tribe/soul family
5 quick ways to raise your vibration
3 best decisions of my life and how you can make them too!
In this post I share the 3 biggest, best, most life changing decisions that completely transformed my world and put me on the path to living my most authentic, soul aligned life. I also share some ways that you can know if you are making the right decision, and hopefully you can be inspired to make them too.
3 tips to reconnect with your true self
5 ways your intuition talks to you
3 Tips to Find your Passion
What is numerology and how to find your numbers?
In this video I talk about the basics of numerology to give you a better understanding, and what your birthday and name reveals about you. I show you how to calculate your 4 main numbers which is your life path derived from your birthday, and your soul urge, personality, and destiny number derived from your full name. I also show you how to find your personal year cycle.
10 misconceptions about what it means to be a spiritual person
Intuition vs fear & ego - which one is speaking to you?
In this video, I talk about the difference between when your ego and fear is telling you not to do something in order to protect you and when your intuition is trying to guide you despite the fear that you feel. I discuss 3 different situations in which fear creeps up and how to tell when your true self is speaking to you.