How to be more self-empowered

By Borbala @ Follow Your Own Rhythm

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So often in life we give our power away to outside forces...

We allow other people to control how we feel. We let their judgments bring us down. We let our unpleasant life situations stress us out. We depend on others to make us happy. We wait for people to validate us or give us permission to be ourselves. We let fear, worry, anxiety, guilt, and anger take over our minds. We wait for something out there to come and save us. We blame others for the issues we have. And worst of all, we let our own self-doubt make us believe that we aren't good enough or capable of doing what we want to do.

While these are all "normal" ways to respond to life, as this is what we learned growing up and what society teaches us, they are also extremely DISEMPOWERING.

When we live in this disempowered way, we are at the mercy of the outside world, shifting and changing our moods based on how life treats us.

Even if we consider ourselves to be pretty empowered people, making independent life choices, we STILL encounter moments in life where we become disempowered.

We can lose our job and feel scared or hopeless for our future, we can get rejected by our crush and feel like we aren't good enough, or we can have someone say some really mean things to us that make us question our self-worth.

It's so easy to get sucked into disempowerment which is why it's so important to know how you can empower yourself in these challenging moments of life. And in this video, that's exactly what I want to help you with. 

I will be sharing some insights on what it means to be self-empowered and why it's so important, as well as some TIPS on how you can become more empowered.

More importantly, I will be making a very special announcement about a powerful tool I created for you to help you stay empowered each day, especially in your darkest moments. 

I really hope you enjoy this video and that it inspires and empowers you! Also, please subscribe to my Youtube channel for future videos!

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