5 Spiritual Reasons Why Your Manifestation is Not Coming

By Borbala @ Follow Your Own Rhythm


I know how frustrating it can be to not get what you want. Especially when you’ve been manifesting something for a while, like a dream career, your dream life, dream business, or your dream partner, and it has not come yet.

Over the many years that I have been consciously and intentionally manifesting my desired reality, I’ve observed some patterns.

I’ve noticed that sometimes I get what I want, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes I get it but it comes at a later time or in a different way.

And looking back on some of the things that have not manifested for me or took forever to manifest, I see now why it had to be that way. I see the beautiful divine order at play which is what I will be talking about in this post.

One thing is for sure, there is a Larger Energy at play that we have no control over, and I believe that this is the ultimate decider of what we get, when we get it, and how we get it.

I believe this energy (aka the Universe) is connected to our soul and our soul’s path, purpose, and destiny. So ultimately, it’s in charge of what happens.

But because we have free will, we can manifest anything we desire. However, it has been my experience that whenever I manifested something that I wanted but deep down wasn’t right for me, it never worked out long term and it always brought with it chaos, conflict and unfulfillment.

I believe that the universe always tries to nudge us towards our true soul’s path, so sometimes when we don’t get what we want, or in the time that we want, or in the way that we want, it’s because the universe is guiding us towards a higher path.

Whether that higher path is to change our energy to be more high vibrational, or to learn how to surrender to get what we want, or to tap into our greatest potential during the waiting process, or to give us something better, the delays are always for our highest good.

So with that said, let’s talk about some of the spiritual reasons why you are not getting your manifestation, or why it’s delayed…



The most obvious reason that your manifestation is not coming is that you have some sort of an energetic block that is deflecting, delaying, or detracting this desire or wish.

Therefore, before moving onto the next 4 reasons, I would recommend tuning in with your energy and seeing where you're at. Some questions to ask yourself are….

  • Do I feel like I deserve this blessing? (you have to believe that you deserve what it is that you want so that you can receive it when it comes to you. You are worthy).

  • Do I think I’m good enough to have this desire? (in order to feel good enough to have what we want, we have to elevate our own energy to match the energy of what we want).

  • Am I afraid of the success, fame, attention, or lifestyle change that it would bring me? (a lot of times we block our manifestation because subconsciously we are scared of the changes it would bring. Take some time to journal on these potential fears and see whether they are real or not. And then, journal on what your life would look like and be like once you had this, and start to familiarize yourself with this new life).

  • Am I in a high or low vibration throughout my daily life? Am I happy? Do I have a positive mindset? Am I grateful?

  • What kinds of thoughts circulate in my head? (are they self-sabotaging or self-loving? Are they of a positive or negative nature? Do they lift you up or bring you down?)

  • Am I too attached to getting this desire? Do I NEED it? (this desperate/lack energy will push it away. You have to become ok with not having this thing to get into the energy of detachment, which in turn will bring it to you).

  • Am I surrendered? Do I trust the universe? Do I have faith? (being in a surrendered state is a GAME CHANGER for getting what you want).

This delay in your manifestation could also be because of deeper (soul) reasons such as a need to grow as a person, mature emotionally, heal some inner wounds, release past baggage, learn certain life lessons, get rid of bad habits, quit an addiction, or anything that your soul craves to experience and learn before getting this manifestation.


Sometimes it’s simply not time for your manifestation to come to you. Only the universe (and your soul) knows the reason and you just have to trust.

For example, let’s say that you live in the states and have a desire to move to Bali and work remotely, but the opportunity for a remote job has not come along yet. You’re frustrated as you wait and you are forced to work your regular job for a little longer. Two months later, you meet your soulmate at your regular job who now you move to Bali with.

This is a perfect example of why things get delayed and happen the way they do.

So please, just trust the process and know that the Universe heard your prayers and is conspiring to bring it to you when the time is right.



A less glorified reason your manifestation isn’t coming to you is because it’s simply not meant for you and the universe is protecting you.

There are times in life when we want something really badly but we do not see how it would actually end up hurting us or throwing us off of our path.

We do not see the big picture and the potential of how something would unfold with our limited human minds, so we have to trust the universe.

There are some instances when we manifest something that is not meant for us (because we do have free will), but it usually doesn’t stay in our lives for long because our soul isn’t aligned with it.


Maybe what you are wanting is not exactly aligned with your soul’s desires, so the universe is trying to redirect you to a new path where you will receive something even better than what you want.

In addition, the reason you are not getting what you want is because if your energy is consumed by this thing that is not meant for you, you won’t have space to receive what is. Therefore, the universe is not giving you what you want because something even better is coming that you have to have space for.


If what you are wanting IS aligned with your destiny, perhaps the waiting period is calling for you to access an even deeper potential of yours that you wouldn’t otherwise access.

Maybe you’re in this waiting period because it’s forcing you to expand your energy and perspective, diversify your skills, gain more knowledge, change your approach, or get in touch with an even deeper creativity that you harbor inside of you that will unleash the full potential of this manifestation and help you step into your true life purpose.

For example, let’s say you wanted to be a successful life coach but you’re not getting any clients. So because you’re not having success, you decide to expand your skillset and try new things to get clients. You start a youtube channel, you learn about psychology, you volunteer to speak at your local library, and you even hire a professional therapist to work through some of your own issues.

All of which you would have never done if you would have gotten what you wanted right away. But because you were forced to get creative, you faced some of your fears, tried things you would have never done before, and really accessed your inner wellspring of creativity where your true potential lies. Now, your soul is ready to experience the success you’ve been asking for.

I hope these insights were helpful in understanding why your manifestation is delayed or not showing up in your life. At the end of the day, you have to tune in with yourself and see which reason it can be.

Truly ask yourself if this desire is aligned with your soul. If it is, then it’s just a matter of time before it comes and now you know what changes you need to make within yourself to get it. If it’s not, then it’s time to let it go and trust that the universe has something better for you.

Sending you all the love on your manifestation journey! 💜


Want to find out if your manifestation is coming or if there is something better? Book a personal tarot reading with me!