By Borbala @ Follow Your Own Rhythm

Why are we here on Earth? What are we meant to do while we are here incarnated in these physical bodies?
It's certainly not to waste our lives away, assuming that life is meaningless, seeing everyone as separate from us, competing to get to the top, becoming slaves to our environment, escaping from pain, feeling unhappy, stressed, anxious, working endlessly but never reaching fulfillment, obsessed with materialism, doing what we're told, feeling powerless, waiting to die.
However, this is the conditioned paradigm that most people live by. This is what we've been told is normal.
Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the fact that life isn't some meaningless sick joke that we're here to suffer through, but rather that there is a purpose to all of this.
In this video, I share my perspective on what I believe our purpose is here on earth as in...what each of us needs to do to complete our "soul mission."
So if you have been confused about your purpose and struggle with finding more meaning in life, or are simply just on this spiritual awakening journey wanting to expand, then this video is for you!
I really hope you enjoy and that it serves you in some way! Please like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube channel if the video resonates with you 💕
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Find out why your manifestation is not coming or why it's delayed. These 5 spiritual reasons will give you a greater understanding of what is going on behind the scenes so you are not left wondering or thinking that the universe forgot about you.