Know who you are on a deeper level and have the confidence to embrace your authentic self?
Learn tools and exercises to calm your busy mind, ease your anxiety, and be more present and self-aware?
Break free of inner blocks and limitations and start living your ideal life?
Get in touch with your passion and discover your life purpose?
Tune in to your intuition and be more spiritually connected?
Shift into the person you’re meant to be? Your full potential!
This deep longing to find who it is we truly are exists within all of us.
Without this essential piece, we find ourselves lost, disconnected, and our lives meaningless and empty.
Being disconnected from our true selves is the root of all of our problems.
Therefore, knowing ourselves is not only the solution, but the foundation for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
Which is exactly why I created the...
"Step Into Your Truth" is a self-paced program that guides you to connect with your true, deeper self, and make the necessary shifts to embody and align with who you truly are so you can live your best life.
This is a 3 part course that guides you through a deep, introspective and magical journey of self-discovery filled with powerful practices, exercises, tools, tips, wisdom, along with videos, handouts, and workbooks to support you with your growth and transformation.
“Before I found this course, I felt so lost and not connected with my true self. After going through the 7 steps, I became so connected with my spirit, intuition, and just my soul in general. Your course is so extremely well thought out and designed for me to literally “follow my own rhythm.” Not only did writing in the workbook help throughout but the references that you gave me were eye opening as well. This included ego tendencies, defense mechanisms, and numerology. I will continue to reference all of these. The videos you have throughout the course helped me have a great visual and it was literally like you were there with me throughout the whole process! This course has transformed my life and put me on the right path, and I now have valuable life tips to continue to grow! Thank you so much! ”
PART 1: (3 videos) 3 Truths About Who You Are
This is where you discover the essence of who you are. Your true, whole, authentic self.
This lesson is basically the prerequisite for the rest of the course and the foundation for finding your true self.
You will learn 3 essential and spiritual truths:
Truth 1: Who You Authentically Are (your true nature)
Truth 2: Who You Are Not (the false self)
Truth 3: The Means by Which You Can Express Your Authentic Self in Everyday Life (how to bring your true self to life)
This lesson comes with 3 videos all under 25 minutes so that the information is easy to absorb.
Each video is packed with wisdom, tips, and practical exercises to help you tap into your true nature.
PART 2: (19 videos) 7 Steps for Finding and Being Your True Self
This is where you find your unique, individual self in relation to the whole and learn HOW to express it.
This lesson will take you through the EXACT, step-by-step process of finding and being your true self so you don't have to figure it all out on your own.
Step 1: Becoming more mindful and self-aware (learn how to become more conscious and self-aware + learn 3 meditation exercises to enhance your awareness and tap into your deeper self)
Step 2: Discover your true personality (personality type, strengths, weaknesses, tendencies, disposition - includes personality tests, questionnaires, and numerology)
Step 3: Find your personal core values and true beliefs (+ identify your limiting beliefs that don’t align with your values and who you want to be, transform them into empowering beliefs, and exercises to solidify them)
Step 4: Unlock your passion and life purpose (discover your innate gifts, hidden talents, interests, natural abilities + powerful exercise to uncover your life purpose)
Step 5: Make a pact with yourself (through a fun exercise, you will make a promise and a commitment to yourself to always believe in yourself and to always follow your truth)
Step 6: Integrate everything you just learned and make the necessary shifts to live a more positive life and become your most authentic self
Shift 1 focuses on shifting the way you think (identify blocks and thought patterns that work against you, get to the root of your negative thoughts, discover powerful mind hacks on how to shift your thinking, reframing exercises, and tips for thinking more positively)
Shift 2 focuses on speaking your truth (exercises to help you reflect on how you express yourself and whether or not you speak your truth + powerful tips for speaking authentically and standing up for yourself in any situation)
Shift 3 focuses on behaving authentically (get to the root of why you do what you do and what motivates your behaviors, identify whether or not they’re authentic, get clear on who and how you want to be, and put an action plan in place)
Shift 4 focuses on creating an authentic life (evaluate and reflect on your lifestyle and daily routines to see if they align with your goals and desires, get clear on the type of life you want to live and the changes you need to make to get there)
Step 7: Stay spiritually connected (powerful tips and practices for aligning with your Higher Self and staying connected to Life, God, the Universe, the Divine)
Each of the 7 steps has numerous exercises, techniques, and practices for optimal transformation
You'll get videos guiding you through all of the steps and exercises. The videos are broken up into short lessons so that the information is easy to follow and absorb.
Part 2 comes with a detailed and in-depth 62 page workbook outlining all of the practices and exercises for each of the 7 steps so that you can easily work through them
“Hi Barbie, thank you so much. I have just completed the course and will start my 5 week journey. It’s an amazing package you have done...I will probably do this course two grab all the content that is there. What a job you have done...amazing. Thank you so much.”
PART 3: 5-Week Challenge to Become Your True Self and Live Your Best Life
5 week transformation challenging you to put everything you just learned into practice
Challenge comes with 5 videos, one video for each week, each week focusing on a specific theme
Each week you will be challenged to remove the layers of conditioning, drop bad habits, build healthy ones, start presenting the real you to the world, and begin to create a life aligned with your passions and purpose
Week 1: Adopting a positive perspective and thinking positively
Week 2: Expressing your unique personality and speaking your truth
Week 3: Being more mindful and conscious in everyday life with regards to your behaviors and the choices you make
Week 4: Making specific lifestyle changes and cutting out habits that don’t serve you
Week 5: Connecting to yourself, to other people, and to a Higher Source
Throughout the 5 weeks, you will also be challenged to become more mindful and present through a daily meditation exercise, as well as become more intentional and purposeful through daily intention setting exercises.
Challenge comes with an accompanying 18 page workbook with all of the instructions for the challenge, your weekly assignment with tips, daily meditation exercises, daily intention setting exercises, and a space to reflect on each week’s challenge.
By the end of the 5 weeks, you will BE the NEW you
This is a self-paced, self-coaching program where you can go through the exercises and lessons at your own pace, in your own home, and on your own time. I designed this program to give you all of the insights and tools you need to discover your true self and unique personality, unlock your inherent gifts, talents, and passions, connect with what you really want, and transform into the person you want to be so you can start living your dream life.
You can start right now for only $99
And you will have lifetime access to the course
“As a college student, I was feeling overwhelmed by the various paths my life could take and I felt stuck and burnt out. This course helped me connect the dots with regards to my life path and it got me motivated to pursue my passion! The program is simple and really easy to follow. My favorite part was the 5 week challenge because it helped incorporate the program’s lessons into my lifestyle. The exercises on finding my limiting beliefs was also extremely helpful. Since finishing this course, I feel empowered to face uncertainty, confident in my ability to follow my inner voice for guidance and have achieved ENORMOUS professional goals. Thanks so much for this course, Barbie!”
62 page workbook full of powerful and practical exercises to take you through the 7 steps of the program
They include meditation exercises, finding your limiting beliefs and overcoming them, powerful tips for finding your passion, exercises for powerful mindset shifts, and much more!
Very organized and easy to follow
PDF downloadable
Workbook accompanying your challenge with detailed instructions for each of the 5 weeks
Includes specific exercises, tips, and a reflection area
Goes along with each of the 5 videos
PDF downloadable
GUIDES/HANDOUTS to go along with the course and help you understand yourself better
1. Recommended Resources - top books, articles, and websites I recommend for further personal development and spiritual growth
2. Ego Tendencies - a practical guide that outlines common tendencies of the "false self” and provides a 5-step process for detaching from ego
3. Defense Mechanisms - explanation of psychological techniques we use to escape from painful feelings, thoughts, memories and experiences
4. Numerology Guide - a step-by-step guide on how to use numerology to find your life path, purpose, gifts, and true personality
"My Sacred Space for Self-Discovery" workbook
100 thought-provoking questions to help you become more self-aware and get to know yourself better. Great resource for further self-reflection!
PDF downloadable
Journal to help you set powerful intentions for 35 days
Supports your 5-week transformational challenge
It will help you approach the day more mindfully, intentionally, and with purpose
PDF downloadable
You can sign up for the 5-week challenge via email
You will get each week's challenge, including the videos and materials, delivered straight to your inbox so you don't have to remember to log back into the course page each week!
This will ensure your success with making the changes you need to make to becoming your truest self and living your best life!
5-week calendar to support your 5-week transformation
It lists the challenge for each week, and gives you space to fill in what you will focus on each day
This planner will help you stay organized and on track with forming new habits and making the changes you need to make to live an authentic life
“This course helped me so much! It will truly make you think outside of your conditioned ways and give you great clarity about who you are. It’s completely private which is what
made it so helpful for me to actually open up and be authentic because I wasn’t trying to “impress” anyone that was around me. The course is very thorough and I love that she breaks everything down to the very core to get to the root of who you are including your thinking, beliefs, your passion, and your life purpose. This explains why some of the videos are a bit longer, and why the workbook is so detailed. I honestly love that she asks questions about almost everything and before you can even ask yourself a question about what you just wrote, she will ask you that question next. It’s like she’s in my head :)
This course has personally helped me so much because from the time I was 24-27 I was stuck in the conditioned ways of thinking, sticking to old habits and patterns, not feeling good enough, but since I discovered this course, it’s like a whole new me has awoken. I know myself more fully, I’m more open-minded, I feel more confident, and it’s helped me accept myself for who I am. I highly recommend this course!”
Your dreams are waiting for you. Your purpose is out there. Happiness is within reach. All you have to do is align with who you truly are and it's all yours. Can you really afford to wait?
Taking risks is the spice of life!
However, if for some reason you are not satisfied with the program (I think you'll love it, but just for peace of mind), I offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
You will have 30 days to go through the course and if you decide that after implementing the tools and doing the exercises that it's not for you, I will give you a full refund.
Check out the specific details of the return and refund policy here.
OPTION 1: Continue what you're doing and figure it out on your own (free but time consuming - and time is precious)
This CAN work, but it can also take a really long time and lots of energy as you're doing all of the research yourself, deciphering what information resonates with you, and trying to figure out an organized way of applying the wisdom and tools to your own life. This approach can become super overwhelming and it might make it harder to stay on track.
OPTION 2: Hire a life coach, counselor, or some sort of an expert to guide you (quicker but exxxpensive)
Of course this can work, but it's also really expensive and can cost anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a lotta money! Plus, it usually takes several sessions to figure out everything you could otherwise figure out in this course.
OPTION 3: Let this program guide you through the exact process (quick and affordable)
Obviously this is my preferred method because you still get the guidance, value, wisdom and tools as you would any other way, except you get it for a fraction of the cost of a life coach, and you get the transformation in a fraction of the time than you would if you would be doing it completely on your own. Plus, it's all packaged together in one, with lifetime access to the lessons, and the freedom to do it at your own pace, on your own time, and in your own home.
You're ready to learn about yourself and make positive changes in your life
You're a bit terrified of the journey but know deep down inside that this is the path you need to take
You're just starting out on your personal growth journey OR you've been on it for a while now
You're in need of a big shift, transformation, or clarity and direction
You like the freedom of a self-paced course
You like information delivered to you in an organized manner with step-by-step instructions
X You think you have all the answers and aren't open to new ideas and perspectives
X You're not committed to your growth as a person
X You aren't willing to put in the time, work and effort to go through the lessons and exercises
X You think that this course is a magic, over-night, quick fix formula that will require minimal work on your part
X You don't believe you can succeed from this course. Your beliefs are everything, and what you believe becomes your reality ;)
Become a much happier, peaceful, confident, and positive person
Develop a higher perspective and feel more connected to LIFE
Learn the essence of who you are to get rid of the confusion once and for all
Learn who you are not so that you can free yourself from your false identity
Become more conscious, mindful, and self-aware
Learn HOW to express yourself authentically using the special skillset that you have
Get to know your interests, strengths, dispositions, aptitudes, characteristics, traits and everything there is to know about your personality
Uncover your hidden talents, gifts, natural abilities, and skills
Find your passion and uncover your life purpose
Get in touch with your core values and true beliefs
Find your self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs and break free from them once and for all
Start loving, accepting and embracing yourself!
Tap into your intuition and learn how to follow it
Identify what you truly want and how you want to live your life
Gain the courage to design a life around your true values and desires
Learn powerful mindfulness practices to connect with your deeper self and to get in touch with the present moment
Learn a 5 step process to detach from ego and respond to life more consciously
Learn an easy technique to see if your decisions and behaviors are authentic or inauthentic
In addition, you will learn other practical and powerful tips, tools, exercises, practices and techniques that you can apply in your daily life to ensure that you continue to live authentically
Because once you know yourself, you become unstoppable and the world becomes limitless!
I started Follow Your Own Rhythm several years ago as a way to share the lessons, wisdom and truth I have learned on my own journey of transformation to help you discover your authentic self, break free from conditioned patterns, and live a more happy and fulfilling life.
With a background in education and psychology, years of personal growth, and extensive training in teaching and coaching, I want to make this process as easy and straightforward as possible so that you can connect to your true self and live your best life!
How long do I have to buy?
The course is available for purchase year-round; however, the introductory price is only available for a limited time. So lock in your price!
How long will I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the course and all of the materials and bonuses. You will also have access to any future upgrades and updates.
Do you offer a refund?
Yes, there is a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. If after going through the course and implementing the exercises you're dissatisfied with your purchase, you will receive a full refund. Check out the specific guidelines for the refund policy here.
When does the course start and finish?
This is a self-paced course so you can start whenever you're ready because it never ends! It's up to you how fast or slow you want to go through it, and how often you revisit the lessons.
How long will it take for me to complete the course?
This course can be completed in about 1-2 weeks plus the 5 week challenge; however it all depends on you! Some lessons and exercises you might fly through, while others might take you longer to absorb and work through.
When will I get the course?
As soon as you enroll, you will be taken to the checkout page, and get immediate access to the course. The course is hosted on the Teachable platform.
How is the course delivered?
Each lesson and exercise is delivered in video format with an accompanying workbook to guide you through the steps. The videos range between 3 to 25 minutes so it's easy to follow and digest.
Is this course only for women, or men too?
Great question! My audience is not gender specific so yes, men will benefit too. With regards to the content, it's relevant to all genders with the exception of one short section on makeup. Otherwise, if you don't mind pretty colors and pictures, then you will totally benefit!
*Note: owns all rights to this digital course and all of the accompanying materials. It is for personal, non-commercial use only. It is not to be shared, redistributed, sold, edited, copied, duplicated, reproduced or otherwise exploited for a commercial purpose. You can check out our terms of service here.
One time payment of only $99