“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
One of the most profound, empowering and important journeys you can embark upon is discovering who you are.
I’m not referring to who you are on a surface level such as what your favorite color is, where you went on your first date, or what kinds of movies you like to watch.
When I talk about self-discovery, I’m referring to your
deeper desires and interests
core values
true beliefs
ultimate passions
life purpose
and who you are beneath the conditioned patterns that you’ve absorbed throughout your life.
It is ESSENTIAL to become aware of who you truly are in order to love yourself more fully, become who you want to be, and live a life that is truly satisfying.
Welcome to “My Sacred Space for Self-Discovery”
A 33 page digital and PDF downloadable journal-like workbook that takes you through a series of questions and exercises to help you get to know the TRUE you.
100 thought-provoking questions that will awaken the deeper aspects of your mind and soul. The reason I love asking questions is because it requires that you look within yourself for the answers because in all reality, you already have ALL the answers WITHIN you. You just need the right questions to bring those answers to the surface.
Areas of guidance: there are “guidance sections” throughout the workbook that are meant to be tips and suggestions to provide you with clarity and direction, help you move forward more consciously and authentically, and to help you move past certain blocks, limiting ideas, or unauthentic behaviors.

Note: you will not be getting a physical copy as shown above, you will be getting a PDF digital version that you can download and either print yourself, or fill out right on your computer.
The workbook also includes some exciting new updates!
11 extra pages of content!
More guidance sections on:
How to start a gratitude practice
How to let go of your fear of being judged
How to get out of victim mentality
How to free yourself from negative past experiences
and much more!
“I love how this guide allowed me to be true to myself and extremely honest about my answers knowing that I am not sharing them with anyone. It allows me to learn more about myself in regards to parts of life that we don’t really think about in the day-to-day living. I also liked the fact that there were “guide” sections that provided me with some kind of information that would make me feel that I am actually talking to a friend that wants the best for me without judging. A nice thing about this guide is that you can revisit it later and answer those same questions again and see whether there has been some kind of a change in your personality, lifestyle and vision about how you want to live. I personally enjoyed answering the questions. ”
Exercises including:
Self-love exercise
Find negative self-beliefs exercise
Reframe negative self-beliefs exercise
Meditation exercise
“I felt so much calmer after the meditation. I didn’t think I was all that stressed or tense but feeling it leaving as I relaxed deeper and deeper in the 10 minutes showed me how stressed I really was. It feels like a block or weight removed. Thank you!”
Journal prompts to:
get to know yourself better
identify how you feel
become more grateful
and much more!
Updated questions regarding:
who you are
your self-image
your source of happiness
what you believe
your fears and emotional pains
personality traits, talents, and strengths
your goals, dreams and life vision
your core values
your health and wellbeing
your negative patterns, addictions, and shadow side
and all sorts of unique, powerful, and thought provoking questions to help you gain clarity, become more self-aware, connect to your true self, and access the answers that were always hiding within you.
“I really LOOVEEEE this journal! I think the questions she asks like “what would you do if you had all the free time in the world?” and “how do you react when inconvenient things happen to you?” really make you think how YOU want to think, not how you’re “supposed” to think! I recommend this journal to anyone who is struggling to find themselves and also to anyone who has already found themselves but just wants to learn and think more about the little details in their life and their way of thinking! And honestly, for the low price that it is, it’s a great value because you can do this now and also in a year or 5 years and see how far you’ve come! That’s what I’m going to do! :)
Thank you Barbie for creating this journal! :)”
All in all, asking ourselves questions about how we feel, what we think, what we believe, why we do what we do, what we fear, what we like, what we dream of, are all ways to get to know ourselves at a deeper and more fundamental level.
This workbook is designed to make you think about yourself, your life, and everything in between in order to find your truth and live an authentic life.
You will have to get real with different aspects of yourself, but the journey is a beautiful one because at the end, you will have “found” yourself.
“Your questionnaire is very enjoyable to do. It’s reflective, thoughtful, well-rounded, deeply insightful, and nicely organized. Your feedback is just the right amount; relevant, concise, really well-articulated, and kept me reading. All in all, it’s easily apparent you crafted the workbook with deep insight and love. Soooooo well done!”
This is a PDF downloadable digital workbook, not a physical workbook, although you will be printing a physical copy of it. It’s also PDF fillable, so you will be able to fill it out right on your computer if you don’t want to print it. This workbook is for personal use only, and may not be sold, copied or distributed in any way. It is not meant to be taken as professional advice, and is for informational purposes only.
For further questions or inquiries, please see the contact page or email us at info@followyourownrhythm.com